Tag Archives: This Must Be the Place

Naive melody

Very excited about this movie named for my favorite song. IMDB says March 12. If anyone sees it playing, let me know.

And here it looks like a self-referential road movie, with buildings and cars that would make Byrne proud ..

Our hero Byrne’s role…

I’m loving the soundtrack already >

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Filed under Movies (and Tube), Tunes

Talking Heads, talking to plants

While waiting for the Friedman book to arrive, I’ve been reading bits and pieces of nonfiction. A little bit of the Secret Life of Plants, which many people have recommended to me over the years.  Now, I’m all for plants having feelings and all, but communicating with humans is just a little too wacky for me. I may try it again another time (maybe I’ll be more in tune with the music of the flora by then).

I remember my mom reading this book when it came out many years ago. Afterwards, she talked to her plants. Only half jokingly, I think.

I’ve also been reading parts of This Must Be the Place, a sort of biography of Talking Heads I’ve had for years but didn’t pick up until after the David Byrne show the other night. It makes me feel a little young, since it starts in the mid-1970s. Keeps coming back to the rather ugly relationship between Tina Weymouth and Byrne. Brian Eno comes off as a really vile creature. Tibor Kalman even makes a few appearances.


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