I have NOT voted

Can’t get anywhere near the East Cobb Government Center, and the line at the Galleria is two hours.

Remind me why we can’t do this online?


Filed under in the bubble

11 responses to “I have NOT voted

  1. I do not understand this AT ALL?? Why can’t there just be MORE voting places?? I am seeing this as pure racism and a GOP State or County Government backed attempt at voter suppression. You need to call that number on CNN, I’ll get it for you. I never once had to even wait in line voting in Midtown or College Park. Is this just all these new voters?
    The whole concept of “not being able to vote” is just wrong….

  2. bday321

    Well, no — I think it’s just unprecedented turnout. This is early voting, remember, and only a handful of places are open. All over Atlanta, people are reporting 2-3 hour waits. I’ll try again Halloween or just take a good book on Tuesday.

  3. Jennifer

    Remind me why we can’t do this online?

    I’m pretty sure it has something to do with ACORN.

  4. I live in an DEEP blue state, pure Indigo, a deep deep Navy, so dark blue that my vote wont even really matter. The bluest of the blue ( yes , that was a TINY bit of rubbing it in, you know UNLESS yall elect Mr Martin!) and I don’t wait at all. I think New York just has a whole lot more polling places. I mean I live smack dab in the full blown middle of nowhere AND I have to drive by one polling place ( its really is sort of in my back yard) to get to the place that I vote .
    Four Tables, eight really old people, A-H, I-P, Q- W, Z, Y and Z. I am not saying ” well, back in New York….” I really am just questioning the amount of time it takes to vote.

  5. bday321

    Well, let’s give Sec. Handel the benefit of the doubt until Tuesday when all the polls are open. This widespread early voting is new, and people certainly seem to be taking advantage of it.

    I do agree with your main point: it should never, ever be this burdensome to vote.

  6. This ain't no tea party

    Lesson in politics….. We can’t vote online (or on Sat.) because it would radically change the voter demographics in our country. The RNC and DNC have millions of dollars invested in how to market to their respective beauty queens to the nation. Changing this process could possibly mean our president might not be decided by who has the best commercials during Survivor. (Now that’s SPOOKY)

  7. Jeff

    I definitely think it is because of the ACORN corruption and registering anything with a slight pulse and a park bench to call home! It would be like accepting campaign donations on-line without verifying the appropriate credit card information before receiving the funds. 🙂

  8. Jennifer

    Uh…I was being sarcastic. That doesn’t translate well into print.

    As to “ACORN corruption”, the registration fraud was committed against ACORN, by people they hired to register actual voters who then decided to just make up names and fill in the forms. When someone hires you to do something, and you lie about having done it but accept money for doing it anyway, you’ve defrauded the person or organization who paid you. ACORN took steps to verify registrations they received – and flagged those they couldn’t verify for local registrars (in most states, you are required to turn in all completed voter registration forms, even the ones you know to be bogus). So far, the evidence for any intent on ACORN’s part to commit fraud sits at about zero.

    Beyond that, if you think about it for even a second, what would be ACORN’s motivation for registering non-existent persons? It’s not like they will show up at the polls on election day and vote because…they don’t exist.

    As far as registering anything with a slight pulse and a park bench to call home, if they are citizens, it’s their right to vote even if they don’t have a home and they should be allowed to do so. Currently, they aren’t allowed to, because to register you have to provide a home address. So it’s just one more scrap of human dignity denied to the least among us.

    USA!! USA!!! We’re number one!!!

  9. bday321

    BTW, I still haven’t voted. Drove by twice yesterday (well, tried to drive by; traffic was so bad I had to turn around) and lines were the worst yet — 3 to 5 hours throughout the day.

    The eternal optimist in me says everybody in the bubble has now voted and I can go to my actual megachurch polling place Tuesday and breeze right through. (I can’t hear the pessimist on my shoulder because I have my hand over her mouth. Lalalalalalalala)

  10. Pingback: Optimists win so far « in BDay’s bubble

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