We do believe in fairies! We do! we do!

Back in the summer, when it was unclear who would be president but clear the economy was going to fall apart, I thought our only chance was for everybody to put aside their differences, get behind whoever was elected and urge “I do believe in fairies!” There’s power in the combined faith of a multitude, enough to bring Tinkerbell back to life. But it takes a leader to inspire it.

We have a good start: at this point most of the audience is clapping and putting their energy toward saving the poisoned fairy. Barack Obama has something like an 80 percent approval rating. And he doesn’t show any indications of squandering it. Instead, he continues to win fans (even Newt doesn’t have anything bad to say) with a refreshing openness. And he seems to have the star power to channel all this goodwill for the good of the country. 


I'm proud to be an American.

Who would have thought, a year ago, that a calm and reassuring message of inclusiveness, change and civic engagement would be just what we needed? That a 47-year-old black man would be the one to rise above partisan incivility and have the potential to focus us in a positive direction instead of wasting our energy on pointless nastiness?

I’ve always thought that the primary power of the presidency was the pulpit. I, for one, believe we have a leader this time.  And I’m enjoying a childlike faith in a happy ending for this story.


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4 responses to “We do believe in fairies! We do! we do!

  1. Thank you, Beth. I didn’t think anything could make me feel even better than I did already as this day dawned. But thanks to you and so many like you it just keeps getting better,

  2. jimb0

    Although I did not vote for our new president, I feel he has a chance to get some things done. I wish him well in his endeavours.

  3. bday321

    I heard Neil Boortz say today that if there’s anyone in this country right now who doesn’t hope Obama’s the best president we’ve ever had, they’re a fool. Can you believe I felt happy enough to actually listen to a few minutes of Neil Boortz? Usually just the sound of his voice raises my blood pressure. I once ran a squirrel out of my attic by putting a boombox up there to play Boortz and Hannity constantly.

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